Aiwozo Among the 10 Most Innovative RPA Companies of 2020
We are proud to have our platform Aiwozo to be recognized as the 10 Most Innovative RPA Companies of 2020 by Analytics Insight.
For more information, please visit https://www.analyticsinsight.net/aiwozo-powering-the-next-generation-businesses-with-disruptive-ai-and-rpa-solutions
Intelligent automation allows organizations to combine human know-how with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other disruptive technologies to speed up business processes, reduce errors, and minimize human input. We are focused on helping enterprises transcend conventional performance operations to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and quality.
Quale Infotech is a leading end-to-end consulting and IT company with a sharp focus on Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and AI. We believe that AI is the future and will change the way people operate in traditional companies. We are leading this change with our Intelligent Automation platform Aiwozo™ (a short form of “AI Work Zone”), and are successfully helping businesses scale their automation footprint.
Intelligent automation possesses the ability to make business processes increasingly intelligent while eliminating the need for human involvement. The technology is assisting a wide range of businesses in meeting the intensified demands of the current market while leveraging new business models.
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About Quale Infotech
Quale Infotech is a leading end-to-end consulting and implementation company with a laser focus on Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). With our technological know-how, industry insights, experience, and proprietary methodologies on knowledge management, we ensure business continuity and zero downtime. Our vision is to empower organizations to be AI-driven enterprises and help them build personalized user-experiences to engage their customers.
For more information, visit us at http://qualeinfotech.com
To know more about Aiwozo, visit https://aiwozo.com
About Analytics Insight®
Analytics Insight is an influential platform dedicated to insights, trends, and opinions from the world of data-driven technologies. It monitors developments, recognition, and achievements made by AI, big data and analytics companies across the globe. The Analytics Insight Magazine features opinions and views from top leaders and executives in the industry who share their journey, experiences, success stories, and knowledge to grow profitable businesses.