Enhanced customer experience through improved portfolio matching with predictive analytics

The Process


The Investment advisor takes requests from the customer to redeem, switch, or make an additional investment. The manager analyzes the existing portfolio of the customer, and depending on their profile, they suggest appropriate changes in their portfolio. Wealth Manager ends up managing anywhere between 200 to 600 portfolios. This process becomes unrealistic without technological advances to help provide a timely insight towards portfolio goals.


The Solution


Aiwozo’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) activities were used as a solution to create real-time views on the performance of the portfolio. Predictive analytics helped to understand past trends and provide insight into the future scope of investments. This was then passed as recommendations to the customers. Virtual Assistant to help interact with customers and take their requests for changes and redirection investment helped free up the time of wealth managers.

The Outcomes

Two-fold increase in the number of portfolios being managed by wealth managers.

Overall performance of portfolios increase by 8%.

Ready to start your automation journey? Explore Aiwozo now.


Challenges Addressed

Inconsistent customer service
Customer experience
Low Return on Investment
Low Return on Investment
High Turnaround Time
High Turnaround Time 2
Growth dependancy on resources
Growth dependancy on resources

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