- Delay activity is used to pause the automation for a custom period of time (hh:mm:ss format).
- Delay plays a vital role in the projects where some time is required to start a specific application or waiting for some information to be processed so that it can used in another activity.
- DisplayName (String) – To set a meaningful name according to the user.
- Duration (InArgument<TimeSpan>) – Define the delay time in the format hh:mm:ss
To check the use delay activity by creating an automation that displays two messages in the screen and log recorded with the time in the Execution Log panel, with a delay of 10 seconds between them.
- Create a new flowchart.
- Add a Message Box activity and connect it to Start
- Select the activity, and in the Text field, type “Start Time”.
- Add a Delay activity and connect it to the previously added activity.
- Select the activity, and in the Properties panel, in the Duration field, type 00:00:10. These 10 seconds is the delay between the two message boxes.
- Add another Message Box activity and connect it to the previously added activity.
- In the Text field, type “End Time with 10 seconds delay”.
- Run the process and two message box will be displayed with 10 seconds delay.
- In the Execution Log panel, the two messages added in the Message Box activities are written 10 seconds apart.