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Pick & PickBranch

System.Activities.Statements.Pick & System.Activities.Statements.PickBranch

  • Pick activity simplifies the modeling of a set of event triggers followed by their corresponding handlers.
  • A Pick activity contains a collection of PickBranch activities, where each PickBranch is a pairing between a Trigger activity and an Action activity.
  • At the execution time, the triggers for all branches are executed in parallel.

When one trigger completes, then its corresponding action is executed, and all other triggers are canceled.



  • DisplayName (String) – To set a meaningful name according to the user.


To use Pick & PickBranch activities, create an automation that asks user for a name, if user enters the name before the delay time then displays a message with the name in the Output panel otherwise displays a Time’s up message.

  • Create a sequence.
  • Create a string variable, Name.
  • Add a Pick
  • Inside the Pick activity, add two PickBranch
  • In the Trigger section of first PickBranch, add an Input Dialog
  • In the Properties panel of Input Dialog activity, type label and title to prompt user for a number and, in the Result field, add the Name
  • In the Action section, type “Hello” + Name in the Text
  • In the Trigger section of second PickBranch, add a Delay
  • In the Properties panel of Delay activity, type 00:00:10 in the Duration
  • In the Action section, type “Time’s Up” in the Text
  • Run the process and see the message displays according to the user’s input in the Output panel after the execution.