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  4. WorkBook
  5. CopySheet



  • CopySheet activity is used to copy a sheet from a specified workbook and pastes it to another specified workbook.
  • If no other workbook is specified, it is pastes to the source file.



  • DestinationFilePath (InArgument<String>) – The path of the workbook where the copied sheet needs to be pasted. If this is left empty, the sheet is copied in the current scope workbook.
  • DestinationSheetName (InArgument<String>) – The name of the sheet which need to pasted.
  • DisplayName (String) – To set a meaningful name according to the user.
  • SourceFilePath (InArgument<String>) – The path of the input workbook from where the specified sheet needs to be copied.
  • SourceSheetName (InArgument<String>) – The name of the sheet which needs to copied.